How to avoid getting blocked on LinkedIn?

Have you ever heard scary stories about blocked and lost LinkedIn accounts? LinkedIn is a great way to build your business - that's true. But there are lots of rumors about what's allowed and what's not. For example, is it true that LinkedIn has strict limits on daily usage? Is there a way to overcome those without risking your profile?

InTouch Tool (opens new window) is software that automates connecting to people on LinkedIn and sending them messages. Our team gathered quite a lot of data about how LinkedIn actually reacts to different patterns of activity to analyse how to avoid risks of your LinkedIn account being blocked. And we wanted to share our insights in this article.

What are the daily limits on LinkedIn?

Long story short... no way. There are quite some aspects to consider. So keep reading. We promise it’s worth it.

The truth about limits is: no one knows for sure. There are no strict limits that LinkedIn posts on their website. In fact, it varies from profile to profile. We'll get back to that in a moment.

And while people are obsessed with the limits, there is another much more important metric that no one really mentions: how relevant is your message to your audience?

If you start spamming people out there, chances are you won't get to the limits whatever they are. The reason is that your prospects can flag your message if they find it irrelevant. This can lead to temporal restrictions, for instance, you won't be able to send more connection requests within the next 24 hours.

The good news is that it's temporal. And this is a good sign to adjust your message or narrow down your target audience to make sure your messages are relevant for them.

The rule of thumb here is: focus on providing value and don't try to sell in the first message. Trying to sell right away rarely pays off anyway.

Once you've adjusted your message accordingly, it's time to talk about the limits.

So what are the LinkedIn limits anyway?

Again, there are no strict limits set in stone, at least LinkedIn doesn't share those publicly. But we were analyzing patterns of activity on LinkedIn for years and can tell from our experience.

First of all, as you probably already heard: yes, there are limits. And they depend on multiple factors. One of the immediate factors to consider is if you pay to LinkedIn or not. If you do, LinkedIn is much more tolerant to what you can do without risking your profile.

In general, 100 connections per day is considered to be a safe amount for a free LinkedIn account. If you are on Sales Navigator, you can go as high as 200 connections per day while staying on the safe side.

These numbers are based on the assumption that you are following the key point above first. Nothing will save you if your message is not relevant for your prospects or if you just spam people.

Ok, I'm a good citizen and ready to start. Anything else to consider?

Perfect, providing value is what we are all here for!

In this case just consider incrementing the number of connections and messages you send per day gradually. Start with some number you are comfortable with and increase it by around 10 every 2-3 days until you reach your target pace.

It is worth adding that over the years of helping people to leverage their LinkedIn accounts using automation (opens new window), we can't stress enough that providing value is the key. In this case everyone benefits, including the LinkedIn platform itself, since meaningful interactions make the community even stronger.

That's pretty much it for now. If you have any questions or if you think we missed an important point here, feel free to drop us a note at

Happy prospecting!